Last Updated: May 9, 2022

What’s The Best Snoring Aid for Your Type of Snoring?

Not all snoring is created equal. Some snorers are mild and can simply stop snoring by sleeping on their side, while other snorers are habitual and may need a snoring aid.

Snoring is caused by a narrowed airway, and it can originate in the nose, throat, or mouth. Understanding the different types of snoring can help you find a snoring solution that will work best for you.

Nasal Snoring

Most people are naturally inclined to breathe through the nose while sleeping. When small nostrils or nasal congestion forces mouth breathing, negative pressure forces greater vibration on the uvula and soft palate, resulting in snoring.

Allergies, certain medications, and a deviated septum are the most common factors that cause nasal snoring.

How to Identify Nasal Snoring

Nasal snorers are mild compared to other types of snoring and are often recognized for a soft, whining sound.

To determine if you are a nasal snorer, check to see whether your nostrils are congested. For example, close one side of your nose and try to breathe with your mouth closed. If your nasal collapses, you are more than likely a nasal snorer.

Solutions for Nasal Snoring

  • Nasal Plugs – If the snoring is minor, a small plastic device can be inserted in the nose to prevent the nostrils from narrowing.
  • Nose strips – Adhesive strips are placed on the outside of the nose and keep the nostrils open.
  • Antihistamines – Allergic rhinitis can cause inflammation in the nose and partially obstruct the nostrils.

Mouth Snoring

Mouth snoring is attributed to an open mouth and a relaxed jaw. The soft palate at the back of the throat relaxes and narrows the airway. Turbulent airflow during breathing causes the soft palate to vibrate, causing the familiar snoring sound.

How to Identify Mouth Snoring

Most mouth snorers have their mouth open throughout the night and often sleep on their back. The snoring may also be considerably louder than the sounds that are attributed to nasal snoring.

Solutions for Mouth Snoring

  • Mandibular adjustment device (MAD) – An snoring mouthpiece is designed to move the lower jaw slightly forward to maintain an open airway while you sleep. Most MADs, including SnoreRx, can accommodate mouth breathing while wearing the device.
  • Lose Weight – Excess tissues around the throat can block air intake. Maintaining a healthy weight may tighten the muscles around the neck and prevent snoring.
  • Change Position – In some instances, a simple change in your sleeping position is enough to stop snoring.

Tongue Snorers

Although similar to mouth snoring, there is a subtle difference from tongue snoring. The tongue falls into the back of the throat and blocks the airway.

Other factors may influence tongue snoring that would otherwise have no effect on mouth snoring. Factors such as alcohol and medications may cause the tongue to relax and cause it to collapse and restrict the airway.

How to Identify Tongue Snoring

Make a snoring noise while sticking your tongue out. Grab between your teeth and try to make a snoring noise again. If snoring is reduced, you are most likely a tongue based snorer.

Solutions for Tongue Snoring

  • Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) – MADs the most common type of snoring mouthpiece that moves the lower jaw slightly forward and maintains an open airway during sleep. These mouthpieces are a clinically effective solution to reduce snoring.
  • Tongue stabilizing device (TSD) – TSDs are a type of snoring mouthpiece that holds the tip of the tongue forward. TSDs do not accommodate mouth breathing and require you to use your nose.
  • Surgery – Surgical intervention may be required to remove physical obstructions, such as an enlarged turbinate.

Throat Snorers

Simply put, throat snoring occurs when one breathes through the trachea during sleep.

How to Identify Throat Snoring

If you can determine that you are not a nasal, mouth, or tongue snorer, you are most likely a throat snorer.

Solutions for Throat Snoring

  • Mandibular Adjustment Device (MAD) – A snoring mouthpiece is designed to maintain an open airway during sleep.
  • Change sleep position – Sleeping in the supine position is one of the biggest contributors to snoring. Consider sleeping on your side or use pillows to force yourself to sleep upright.
  • Lose Weight – Less weight around the neck area will allow the airway to stay open during sleep.