Last Updated: September 2, 2023

Is Snoring Bad For You?

Although most people agree that snoring can be bothersome, they usually do not take it seriously. Many people pass off snoring as a harmless annoyance, but if not treated it may lead to severe complications.

Sleep plays a crucial role in one’s health and wellbeing. Constant disruptions to sleep, such as snoring, may lead to all kind of health-related risks. As it turns out, snoring may be bad for you.

Negative Effects From Snoring

Nearly 90 million Americans suffer from snoring activity during sleep. However, just because snoring is common does not mean it is harmless. Snoring has been connected to many medical issues, including cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, obstructive sleep apnea, which blocks breathing airways, excess weight gain, and much more. Take the initiative to protect your health and learn more about snoring.

Health Risks Associated with Snoring

Frequent waking from sleep

Frequent interruptions in breathing from a lack of oxygen disrupt the sleep cycle and often leads to waking up in the middle of the night.

Strain on heart

Left untreated, sleep apnea may lead to high blood pressure, which significantly increases the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Daytime Drowsiness

Inadequate sleep during the night can cause many to feel tired and drowsy throughout the day. According to AAA, nearly ten percent of driving-related accidents involved a drowsy driver.

Morning Headaches

A recent study found that individuals who were habitual snorers were more likely to wake up with a headache. Furthermore, some experts suggest that medications used to treat hypertension and sleep apnea may actually worsen the condition.

To learn more about snoring, click here to download the White Paper, Snoring: A Precursor to Medical Issues to discover why snoring is bad.

If you or your partner is a frequent loud snorer, stops breathing, gasps or chokes during sleep, experiences excessive restlessness at night, or feels sleepy during the day, talk to your primary care physician right away. There are numerous options for personalized care available for snoring, and in more severe cases, obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring: A Precursor to Medical Issues can help you explore those options and give you a better understanding of what those options entail.

How to Reduce Snoring

Change Sleep Position

Sleeping on one’s back in the supine position often leads to a higher likelihood of snoring. For best results, sleeping on your side will help alleviate this problem.

Lose Weight

The extra fatty tissue around the throat and neck area contributes to snoring. Research suggests that many people successfully stop snoring simply by losing weight.

Avoid Alcohol before Bed

Alcohol and other sedatives relax the muscles in the throat, which worsens snoring and increases the likelihood of a blocked airway.

###Use an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece Dental night guards hold the lower jaw forward to maintain an open airway while you sleep. FDA oral appliances are clinically proven to work and are well tolerated by most users.

How SnoreRx Treats Snoring

SnoreRx is an affordable and effective solution to significantly reduce snoring. The device’s patented micro adjustability feature allows for precise advancement in one-millimeter increments for optimal comfort and effectiveness.